Book sources

This page allows users to search multiple sources for a book given a 10- or 13-digit International Standard Book Number. Spaces and dashes in the ISBN do not matter.

Search for book sources

The page links to catalogs of libraries, booksellers, and other book sources where you will be able to search for the book by its International Standard Book Number (ISBN).[note 1] The full range of links is below.

To search for a different book, type that book's individual ISBN into this ISBN search box.

ISBN 978-0-06-055566-5

Online text

Individual booksellers


  • AddALL (AddALL is a book search and price comparison web site.)
  • Amazon US ( is an Amazon Associate and may earn from qualifying purchases made through this link.)
  • Barnes & Noble


  • AbeBooks (AbeBooks is a Canadian book reseller. Verify the point of sale, as it may originate outside the US, resulting in a credit card foreign transaction fee for US residents.)
  • Amazon Canada ( is an Amazon Associate and may earn from qualifying purchases made through this link.)


  • Amazon UK ( is an Amazon Associate and may earn from qualifying purchases made through this link.)
  • AwesomeBooks (This bookseller partners with the UK National Literacy Trust.)
  • Blackwell's
  • Foyles (Owned by Waterstones as of 2018.)
  • Waterstones
  • Wordery (UK-based, with free delivery to over 100 countries.)
  • World of Books (World of Books is a UK-based online used book seller.)

Other European countries is an Amazon Associate and may earn from qualifying purchases made through this link.

Other non-European countries is an Amazon Associate and may earn from qualifying purchases made through this link.

Book review sites

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Book titles and cover images supplied by Google Books.


  1. When entering ISBNs:
    • Spaces and hyphens in the ISBN do not matter. Also, the number starts after the colon for "ISBN-10:" and "ISBN-13:" numbers.
    • An ISBN identifies a specific edition of a book. Any given title may therefore have a number of different ISBNs.
    • An ISBN registration, even one corresponding to a book page on a major book distributor database, is not definite proof that such a book actually exists. A title may have been cancelled or postponed after the ISBN was assigned. Check to see if the book exists or not.