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Investing Advice Inspired by John Bogle
1,059 articles


John Bogle

We help you make good financial decisions by tuning out the noise and focusing on just a handful of simple, core principles that have proved successful over time. Although they are simple, following them is not always easy.

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Getting started

Growing money - plant rooted in coins.jpg

Usa flag.png For US investors:

Ambox globe.svg For non-US investors:

Personal finance

Coin of Maximian - transparent background.png

Personal finance covers not only investing, but day-to-day finances, budgeting, insurance, taxes, estate planning, and retirement.

Usa flag.png For US investors:


Retirement jar.jpg

Retirement is a major event in many people's lives. It is not only a lifestyle change, but a change in income and spending.

Planning for this life-changing event is important.

Usa flag.png For US investors:

From today's featured article

Mutual funds are registered investment companies that pool investors' capital to invest in securities. Professional money managers manage mutual funds, and the corporate contributory retirement system in the U.S. uses them extensively. As of 2021, a total of 8,877 U.S. mutual funds held over 27 trillion dollars of assets, owned by forty-eight percent of American households and an estimated 108.1 million individuals.

Mutual funds offer you diversification, professional management, liquidity, and convenience. These advantages are offset by factors such as costs, fund turnover, and the consequences of organizational structure. (more...)

This week in financial history

September 9:
  • 1585 - In an assembly Frankfurt’s merchants established uniform exchange rates for the first time, marking the birth of the Frankfurt exchange. Over time, the Frankfurt exchange handled bond and stock trading. Source: History of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
  • 1997 - The Chicago Mercantile Exchange introduced S&P E-mini futures, which soon became the most heavily traded futures contract on the exchange. Source: Key dates and milestones in the S&P 500's history
  • 2012 - The Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) launched indexes that provide coverage of various style sectors of the US stock market. The indexes include growth and value indexes for U.S. mega cap, large cap, mid cap, and small cap stocks. Source: CRSP Indexes Quick Reference Guide

September 10:

September 14:

September 15:

  • 2008 - Investment bank Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, the largest in U.S. history. The bankruptcy initiated events that produced the 2008 - 2009 global economic crisis. Source: The Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy
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Canada flag.png Our Canadian sister site, Financial Wisdom Forum, and its wiki, finiki, the Canadian financial wiki, has a similar focus with many like-minded members, and you might also find this site interesting.

Flag of Spain.svg We also have a sister site in Spain, Bogleheads® España (en español).

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