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Bogleheads® 17 videos

From Bogleheads

Bogleheads® 17 videos were recorded during the 2018 National Bogleheads Reunion (Bogleheads® 17), held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Registration and reception began at 2 PM on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 and and the reunion concluded at noon on Friday, October 5, 2018.

Morningstar videos with Christine Benz

Christine Benz, Morningstar's director of personal finance, interviewed John Bogle at the convention. The links are provided below.

What Jack Bogle Expects From the Market

The article on Morningstar: What Jack Bogle Expects From the Market

Why Jack Bogle Doesn't Own Non-U.S. Stocks

The article on Morningstar: Why Jack Bogle Doesn't Own Non-U.S. Stocks

Bogle: Nature of Market Unchanged by Indexing

The article on Morningstar: Bogle: Nature of Market Unchanged by Indexing

What's Holding Back Fund Flows?

The article on Morningstar: What's Holding Back Fund Flows?

Index Fund Oligopoly Has Been Good for Consumers

The article on Morningstar: Index Fund Oligopoly Has Been Good for Consumers

Bogle: Some Legitimate Uses of ETFs

The article on Morningstar: Bogle: Some Legitimate Uses of ETFs

Is Vanguard Too Big?

The article on Morningstar: Is Vanguard Too Big?

Bogle: Don't Try to Time Factor Investing

The article on Morningstar: Bogle: Don't Try to Time Factor Investing

Bogle: Optimum Returns Come From Staying the Course

The article on Morningstar: Bogle: Optimum Returns Come From Staying the Course