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Investing Advice Inspired by John Bogle
1,061 articles


John Bogle

We help you make good financial decisions by tuning out the noise and focusing on just a handful of simple, core principles that have proved successful over time. Although they are simple, following them is not always easy.

If this is your first visit, begin at "Getting started" below.

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Getting started

Growing money - plant rooted in coins.jpg

Usa flag.png For US investors:

Ambox globe.svg For non-US investors:

Personal finance

Coin of Maximian - transparent background.png

Personal finance covers not only investing, but day-to-day finances, budgeting, insurance, taxes, estate planning, and retirement.

Usa flag.png For US investors:


Retirement jar.jpg

Retirement is a major event in many people's lives. It is not only a lifestyle change, but a change in income and spending.

Planning for this life-changing event is important.

Usa flag.png For US investors:

From today's featured article

An Investment policy statement (IPS) is a statement that defines your general investment goals and objectives. It describes the strategies that you will use to meet these objectives, and contains specific information on subjects such as asset allocation, risk tolerance, and liquidity requirements.

Alternatively, you could consider using a simpler investing plan (see below):

  • If you find creating a full Investment Policy Statement too complex
  • If your investment objectives do not justify the effort needed to create an Investment Policy Statement (more...)

This week in financial history

January 13:

January 16:

  • 1808 - The Borsa Italiana of Milan, Italy's main stock exchange, was founded on January 16, 1808. Share trading began on February 15, 1808. Source: Bicentennial press release

January 17:

  • 1792 - Today is the birthday of the dollar sign ($), as it shows up for the first time on a federal document — a U.S. Treasury bond issued to George Washington. Source: Feature: This Day in Business History The Houston Economics Club.

January 18:

  • 1864 - The Hungarian Stock Exchange, the predecessor of today’s Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE) began its operation on 18 January 1864 in Pest. Source: Brief history of the Exchange

January 19:

  • 1976 - The New York Stock Exchange installed a new high-speed data line and began transmitting market data at up to 36,000 Characters a minute. (Source)
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Canada flag.png Our Canadian sister site, Financial Wisdom Forum, and its wiki, finiki, the Canadian financial wiki, has a similar focus with many like-minded members, and you might also find this site interesting.

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