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Bogleheads® is the title adopted by many of the investing enthusiasts who participate in this site. The term is intended to honor Vanguard founder and investor advocate John Bogle.

The Bogleheads® emphasize starting early, living below one's means, regular saving, broad diversification, simplicity, and sticking to one's investment plan regardless of market conditions.

This site is composed of two primary resources: our Wiki and our Forum.

The Wiki is a comprehensive investing and personal finance reference that was built and is maintained by members of the Bogleheads® community. Many newcomers find that a good way to begin is by reading these Wiki articles: Getting Started and the Bogleheads' investment philosophy.

On the Forum, members discuss financial news and theory. The members also welcome less experienced investors who have questions about investing or who need help to develop their portfolios. The most recent Forum posts are summarized below.

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1332 new posts and replies over 183 topics in last day (sorted by Creation time). Days: 1 2 3
# Replies Subforum - Topic TitleFirst Last   
Subforum - TopicLast   
2cFence Install - Use Fence Company or Contractor Who Has Done a Variety of Things for Me09:30 DarkHelmetII09:37 Normchad
1cStubHub experts: selling groups of tickets in adjacent rows06:34 coalcracker07:29 bobn60014
8pClaim or not claim ACA subsidy05:42 Paullmas08:06 Hebell
3nWhy did this TIPS 0-5y ETF not compensate for inflation?04:25 markus7506:56 markus75
11cStrange email from USPS about delivery to old address02:00 Caduceus08:41 Hedgehog51
7hTraditional vs ROTH (IRA + 403b)00:48 stormii07:24 YeahBuddy
2nNon-US Investing of USD Mutual Funds23:32 Curny02:22 TedSwippet
8tChanging asset allocation23:20 long-term-inves07:19 DaufuskieNate
5pWhere to find free tax help?23:19 sandramjet04:50 bonez182
3cHow to gift my car in California to my son in Illinois22:41 HenrySouthernCa01:32 Sprucebark
1tProposed ETF that invests in public and private credit22:18 Mle1222:41 David Jay
9hAA staying the same despite new stock market highs?22:15 Sagefemme09:08 aristotelian
12h403b choice --- one fund/three fund/brokerage link22:05 frankenstein09:32 breakfastinbed
43pIf you hit $3M by your 40s, what did you do after that21:20 saagar_is_cool09:32 topofthebellcur
6cUsed model Y vs. Wait for model Y Juniper21:14 CLKGTR09:17 hunoraut
2pIPO21:01 scgamecocks294621:50 FoolStreet
4hRoth conversations or taxable brokerage20:45 wacoach07:52 wacoach
11cBuying blinds for dealer with personalized in-home consultation the biggest waste of money in 2024?20:31 panpsych09:28 Outer Marker
7cIndoor air quality monitors For cigarette smoke20:10 RealSunset06:58 RealSunset
18prental property - poor investment?19:41 Plan4tomorrow09:01 Jack FFR1846
23cHelp Needed - How to Spend More Money19:39 Accrual09:30 warner25
17cClay? On key slot on mailbox19:28 Sho20:33 Teague
2hPro-rata and timing of rollover into IRA19:03 thegasmaster20:31 lakpr
2hUsing Merrill Edge and Allocating Assets18:34 littlefuse19:42 retired@50
3cWater Damage to house - should I go thru insurance18:30 matty_boston07:50 matty_boston
1phockey stick vs. watermelon careers17:58 unwitting_gulag09:32 Hebell
5tTax efficient ballast for taxable account17:35 Glawen01:52 DonIce
6hLeaving wealth manager->Tbills/CDs/MM?17:15 PassivePanda20:21 lakpr texts for 2FA16:39 guppyguy20:40 lostcoast2023
11cWhere to live-quality of life16:28 4nursebee03:28 Valuethinker
2pPurchasing Excess UM/UIM Motorist Coverage on Umbrella Policy?16:26 OnTrack202016:44 suemarkp
7cBeneficary tax reporting of gifted mutual fund shares16:05 petras5217:05 petras52
9pWill and leaving stuff to kids15:40 sogm17:23 bsteiner
11hFidelity HSA - How to get back in the market14:15 OldSport15:53 stimulacra
1cPRK Touch Up [PhotoRefractive Keratectomy]14:07 krafty8115:33 oldcomputerguy
38cWater heater flush?14:00 jplee308:33 hudson
10hBonds in taxable accounts - BND/VCRB13:43 vaughn1207:55 lakpr
0pExperience with Tesla Auto Insurance in CA13:05 onyxlinkia 
27hReach a live person at Vanguard - ACH withdrawal instructions12:09 eager to learn08:44 Colorado Guy
19cShould I add a 240v outlet for future kitchen range options in new construction?11:43 czaj08:36 czaj
17hHow often to Rebalance Portfolio?11:13 playboy_number917:26 dkturner
3pinheriting mineral rights and natural gas rights11:12 mdshumaker12:34 Random Poster
19cWater Filtration / Softening for House11:09 Colorado21a22:48 LotsaGray
2t401k Rollover Fee10:56 medloving09:25 GarfieldBogle
41tReporter doing story - "VOO and chill" - Origin of this phrase?10:49 LadyGeek09:27 alpenglow
21cTipping10:00 Kylelange10:33 Pops1860
5pTranslation of foreign death certificate to satisfy Fidelity09:54 Fractalleaf10:57 Fractalleaf
28hSS plus annuitizing half of portfolio to cover living expenses?09:49 Atticus71309:15 Atticus713
19c20-year old house , loud pops09:48 Nyc1003613:35 Nyc10036
11pBuilding credit history09/16 psteinx13:03 exodusNH
20cPlacement of Refrigerators with Flammable Refrigerants in Your Kitchen09/16 WoostaGal14:30 barnaclebob
11hSell Rental Property to use proceeds into a REIT09/16 stluis5107:32 GMCZ71 [is it legit?]09/16 LifeIsGood05:20 LifeIsGood
16hOptimal DCA Strategy in Context of Upcoming Forced Time Out of the Market09/16 GoldenBear1718:05 GoldenBear17
9hPlease give feedback on portfolio09/16 JakeTakesARando11:13 wadesh
5pHSA payroll deductions: what if you will be over earnings limit?09/15 FrugalFed21:50 FrugalFed
11cConverting sprinklers to subsurface drip irrigation09/15 HawkeyePierce12:04 wwhan
22hFirst job - Retirement Accounts09/15 stormii19:02 ruralavalon
18cBuilt in Microwave Ovens09/15 facundo17:41 adamthesmythe
11hInvesting and Taxes for Young Children09/15 mander7507:43 Valhalla7
19hHelp with bond choices. Total Bond or American Funds in 401k? Or add TIPS in taxable?09/15 NYCaviator07:43 retiredjg
5cLincoln MKC Longevity/Comfortable and Reliable Replacement09/15 MisterCruise15:22 MisterCruise
2pSelling rental home which under LLC09/15 aparan12:35 aparan
35tWhy the love for the 3 fund portfolio?09/15 BitTooAggressiv09:10 BuglheadLuvsLon
9cYard grading, interior drain tiles, both, or neither and something else?09/15 InvisibleAeroba07:29 Parkinglotracer
29cUSPS Informed Delivery is Back09/15 Carl5304:51 bberris
8hPortfolio Review Requested (40 yo Attorney Eyeing the Exits)09/15 astrolabe21:32 astrolabe
22hWhat to do, my bank account is reaching 250k fdic insurance limit09/15 bigfig07:19 nisiprius
14h40 year old needs to start now09/15 bpkasl15:20 mhadden1
9hSeeking advice on financial situational09/15 ReasonableGuy20:42 retired@50
14cblowing out sprinklers09/15 adr31415902:00 twh
6pUse 529 for College Credits Earned in High School09/15 Dragline15:56 the_wiki
14pHSA usage questions/guidance09/15 cosmos18:43 SmileyFace
16tLow Equity portfolio and the Bond fund selection09/15 gavinsiu09:12 gavinsiu
34pCrazy health insurance situation --caution...09/15 Manny106604:52 WillRetire
11pGoing down surrogacy path09/15 halivingston13:00 stan1
12pinheriting unwanted oil royalties in Texas09/15 popoki14:20 Random Poster
7hTrying to figure out a discrepancy in my 401k (mega backdoor Roth)09/15 Ciel02:50 Ciel
22p(Military) Should I purchase Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP)09/15 gator1522:12 hawgwild
15cInsurance adventure electrical panel09/15 AlohaBill08:49 bobn60014
20cRecommendation Vacation involving food09/15 bikefish14:59 eddot98
3t[2024] Bogleheads Conference: Know Before You Go09/15 ObliviousInvest06:42 ObliviousInvest
21pWhen does HDHP make sense to get access to an HSA?09/15 NYCaviator09:13 il0kin
41pTeaching Kids about $ - spenders and savers09/15 ThankYouJack18:11 tibbitts
46pRetire broke if I must.09/15 were gonna make21:05 MP173
15hConsolidating portfolio, simplify investments09/15 Quintock11:12 HomeStretch
13h18 and starting Investing09/15 Curious56713:23 rkhusky
18hI'm thinking about getting a financial advisor.09/14 icbmwapg4113:59 yankees60
7cdoes your router track the websites you visit? and send that info to a 3rd party?09/14 biscuit521:14 fogalog
43hReplace Bond Funds??09/14 PGHunt2408:58 James.534
26pChecking account cushion: keep higher balance in checking or get low yielding savings at mega bank?09/14 NYCaviator01:17 Mudpuppy
19hFinancial Health check and help with guilt after spending09/14 StayOnTrack16:30 WhenDoISell
22pBare Legal Title for Real Property in a Revocable Trust09/14 JSparks08:09 MightBeRight_Mi
83pCheck Fraud09/14 GMCZ7117:14 exodusNH
13cPassed my CISSP exam!09/14 BlackwaterPark111:56 stan1
7pHelp/Recommendations on Future Plans/House Price09/14 liz2411:16 delamer
15cOne benefit of money in retirement09/14 Raybo10:39 Raybo
22hPay off remaining mortgage with IRA $ or Non-IRA Brokerage acct.09/14 Troonp7212:01 lakpr
12hSolo 401k Roth to Roth09/13 polemistis4723:05 HomeStretch
37hHow best to get rid of my financial adviser?09/13 aadc12:53 yankees60
3tRational Reminder episode on passive investing09/13 Gaston16:39 Gaston
3pSocial Security office disagrees with calculators09/13 SusanJ10:09 niagara_guy
43hMid Course correction09/13 trjack5715:41 chicagoan23
241tWhy "traditional" asset allocation may be very WRONG09/13 HMSVictory07:38 986racer
44cQuestions on getting a new desktop computer09/13 tc10115:50 rockstar
26pAnyone take a long work hiatus?09/13 ThankYouJack08:20 Nowizard
4nTax optimized portfolio. Advice please09/13 ananddev16:59 jg12345
84pDenied comprehensive auto insurance claim (hitting a raccoon09/12 mesaverde08:27 toddthebod
42hNeed help on Gold09/12 Bennie22:43 anoop
45tTOTP Protected by Pin/Biometrics Now Supported by Fidelity09/12 Northern Flicke08:53 gavinsiu
87cEV / Hybrid basics?09/12 yankees6008:35 prioritarian
56cHow do I get an unbiased assessment of my backyard drainage and erosion situation?09/12 panpsych20:51 panpsych
15pHeating and cooling system—may need to replace09/12 meercat803:55 Valuethinker
102tDownside protection (buffer) funds12/31 Rjhasti03:34 Valuethinker
14hConfirmation on TIPS ladder09/12 Alex GR20:42 LotsaGray
51tDirect Indexing-personal situation and question09/12 socraticquestio14:23 prioritarian
24pAdd Spouse to Solo 401k09/12 GloryMushroom10:01 GloryMushroom
15hBonds Question - Only have short term bonds option in 401k09/12 setitandforgeti09:35 cbs2002
119tBernstein article - Why Should You Care When Stocks Plunge?09/11 quercus22:23 RationalWalk
22pEstimated tax sanity check09/11 jbowman10:21 Hacksawdave
74pWhen to pull the plug - OMYing [One More Year'ing to retire]09/11 Bashido16:22 charleypartanna
71hRetire From Military or Stay In Longer?09/10 brian.h06:03 Tundrama
68hFidelity Wealth Management pitch09/10 HoosierDude06:51 grok87
64tThe New 60/4009/09 betablocker10:27 Gecko10x
17hBonus for transfer of 401k accounts to tIRA accounts09/09 micron11:13 LilyFleur
15nEarly-30s UK-resident US-citizen seeking advice09/09 londonexpat03:20 Valuethinker
9pPaypal 5% cashback debit card09/08 the_wiki14:46 nalor511
39cNew Refrigerator recommendations09/08 Rocky7703:49 my2swedes
8tGrandparent 529 Plans09/07 diehard21:39 circlespinner
6pHere are Medicare Part D WellCare Value Script Premiums for 202509/06 ModifiedDuratio00:22 cashmoney
25pSole proprietor taxes09/05 dszklarek13:57 dszklarek
80pUS Bank 4% Smartly Visa Credit Card09/05 Bosro09:28 tj
54fBogleheads Forum website running VERY slow?09/05 Stinky21:11 iceport
16pPrudential Variable Annuity Going to LPL E08/31 Diver424206:21 LadyGeek
169tCan you train yourself to be less risk averse?08/31 gavinsiu23:21 DonIce
13h30th Birthday Investment & Finance Checkup (Also advice needed for saving for kids education)08/26 The_MisFitz20:35 mnsportsgeek
65p[Any regrets paying off your mortgage early?]08/26 Kylelange07:36 Blues
71nMy tentative portfolio, main doubt on bonds ETF08/21 erma14:25 Marbleman
9hSpecific mechanics and timing of Vanguard $25 account fee08/15 glb19009:26 ruralavalon
77pHow To Lower Retirement Expenses08/14 naturewalker42008:27 nchunter
157pHackers leak 2.7 billion data records with SS numbers that may affect every American. National Public Data08/12 jef16:44 anoop
79cAnything you wish you had known before your solar panel installation?07/30 WoostaGal07:05 vg55
63cBest Washing Machine07/27 keyfort12:35 goldendad
82hUHNW Situtation07/12 WeathKeeper12:59 psteinx
46t2024 Bogleheads Conference: Registration Now Open04/30 ObliviousInvest19:51 DowntheMiddle
1379tVanguard to Exit Individual 401(k), Multi-SEP, and SIMPLE IRA Plans With Ascensus Deal04/16 foolio9720:08 GoldenBear17
10pHow Do I Avoid Filing Sched A-H to Exclude Assets on FAFSA?02/17 Milujo20:12 secondcor521
22cPicking contractor for roof replacement01/15 Arizonasun200818:54 Sandtrap
106cWhere do you buy glasses?12/05 faanger10114:56 mikejuss
99cBooks that Really Changed/Helped You/Your Perspective and Why?10/29 liz2413:28 Sandtrap
50hHolding 100% VTSAX10/22 Nandomastache3007:33 Tundrama
140cWhat Car Should I Buy If Money Were No Object?2023 Cruise10:38 LadyGeek
6987tInternational (Non-US) versus US Equities (The "Arguments")2023 CraigTester09:18 coastFIREdude
52pTrust Services: Fidelity v Schwab v Vanguard v other2023 Swampy08:49 bsteiner
207lRoll Call for the Retirement Class of 2024!2023 Miriam223:53 bampf
73cHotel recommendation (or at least what area) in DC2023 newbie00308:54 Outer Marker
44pAnything wrong with paying property tax using credit card charging 2.25%?2022 frugalor19:22 avalpert1
320lRoll Call for the Retirement Class of 2023!2022 Miriam201:36 Miriam2
53hRetirement is imminent - are we ready?2022 CarsOutOfNoodle19:24 celia
81tWisdomTree GDE: 90% Large Cap + 90% Gold2022 Booogle00:58 seajay
631tLet's Talk SPX Box Spreads2022 GeraniumLover12:07 turbocheez
3241tModified versions of HFEA with ITT and Futures / Lifecycle Investing with Modern Portfolio Theory2021 skierincolorado21:55 Vin Man
7089tI Bonds Mega Thread (I Bond Heads Rejoice!)2021 tomsense7620:32 Lyrrad
1004tTotal Portfolio Allocation and Withdrawal (TPAW)2020 Ben Mathew23:12 mrshikadance
140pWould a $1MM inheritance change your retirement plans?2020 Wanderingwheelz10:08 Flashes1
105hWhere is your fixed income invested?2020 corn1809:31 Chv396
1119cSo what are you cooking2020 Skeeter115:35 bikefish
2157tWhy not 100% PSLDX? [PIMCO StocksPLUS Long Duration Fund]2020 TeeDee16:02 Tamalak
41pMortgage Payment Grace Period2020 Count of Notre 23:29 MoreTaxes
6736cWhat are you listening to now2020 Artful Dodger18:02 yankees60
720pBay Area teacher saving half my income – why the doubt? (and asking more questions)2019 Ron Ronnerson19:47 Ron Ronnerson
975tThe One-Fund Portfolio as a default suggestion2019 longinvest10:30 SevenBridgesRoa
1550c[On-going Scams - Post them here]2019 ketanco09:53 Stinky
7251pFidelity as a one stop shop2018 BogleMelon09:36 Lyrrad
819c[What UN-frugal thing do you do? What do you splurge on?]2014 Professor Emeri18:48 Marathon Man
4970cWhat frugal thing did you do today?2017 Nectarineman21:56 hvaclorax
7458pWhat's Your Credit Card Rewards Strategy?2016 guitarguy15:41 tj
6381c[What TV Show Have You Recently Watched?]2016 dbCooperAir18:57 bertilak
7830pBank of America/Merrill Edge - Preferred Rewards2014 navyitaly07:51 Laundry_Service
8146cWhat Book Are You Currently Reading? Part VI2014 Alex Frakt21:11 yankees60
11887cWhat Movie Have You Recently Watched?2014 abuss36813:42 littlerfish
248lMaster thread for Washington DC Area Bogleheads2014 grabiner10:29 Neel4Real
4523pShare your net worth progression2014 techcrium10:27 irr

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