Los Angeles Fire - the scams have begun!

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Los Angeles Fire - the scams have begun!

Post by CAsage »

Just a heads up, of course we could have expected this. I got 2 separate scam texts today, one just an unknown person fake-checking on me and fishing for contact (not unlike those "Hey, how are you" texts from unknown numbers). The second one was for a dicey. dodgy fake charity soliciting funds to save burned pets, rescue animals fleeing the fires. I suspect all Los Angeles area code phones are targets. Choose your charities wisely - donate only to known, vetted, established charities.
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Re: Los Angeles Fire - the scams have begun!

Post by dukeblue219 »

Probably going to get the "hey it's me, I need $200 for a hotel, sorry I wasn't able to visit for Christmas this year" fake calls too.

To be expected, sick nonetheless.
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Re: Los Angeles Fire - the scams have begun!

Post by Harmanic »

Most people get these kinds of phishing and smishing scams on a daily basis, emergency or not. I received one today via SMS asking me to pay my $6.99 toll road bill and another was a phone call (I don't answer calls) that left a voice mail saying my Xfinity plan will expire if I don't take immediate action (I don't use Xfinity). Why people still answer their phones and texts baffles me. I only answer if a person is in my contact list.
The question isn't at what age I want to retire, it's at what income. | - George Foreman
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