Just a couple of details, probably not helpful to joannwilkie.
1) "SilverScript" is a single word, no space, internal S capitalized.
2) My guess is that the common element is NOT "switching to Wellcare," but "switching away from SilverScript." SilverScript eliminated the SmartSaver plan for 2025 (and tried to trick people with SmartSaver plans into allowing SilverScript to automatically switch them into a noticeably more expensive plan). Wellcare was the cheap part D option for me and many others, so that's probably what a lot of people switched TO.
3) The relationship between Aetna, CVS, and "SilverScript" is too complicated for me to figure out. Currently, there is a "SilverScript Insurance Company, a CVS Health Company." In 2018, CVS Health acquired Aetna,
Marking Start of Transforming Consumer Health Experience. Better the CVS high muck-a-mucks should spend less time dreaming about "transforming the consumer health experience" and spend some time in their local CVS, looking around, and asking why anybody would ever want to shop there.
Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six, result happiness; Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.