2014 Bogleheads Conference Message from Jack Bogle

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jack bogle
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2014 Bogleheads Conference Message from Jack Bogle

Post by jack bogle »

Thanks so much, friends old and new, for making the trek to the 2014 Bogleheads Conference. It was a thrill for me to meet you, and I bask in the honor of your company.

Yes, I was "on stage" a lot, talking away. (Sometimes I even listened!) While, at 85, I do fade a bit, my adrenalin soon takes over and my energy erupts again. (You either witnessed that . . . or you didn't.)

Thanks, too--especially to Mel--for the "Rocky" statuette, a tribute to the value of hard work, dedication, and a worthy mission. It already stands on the mantelpiece above my den fireplace, along with the other thoughtful gifts I've received from you in past meetings. As I said when I departed on Friday, "Bring on Apollo Creed!"

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Re: Bogleheads Conference

Post by VictoriaF »

Thank you, Jack, for coming to the Bogleheads gathering. You were The Man In The Arena once again, among your greatest fans.

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Re: Bogleheads Conference

Post by Norris »

Thank you so much, Jack! I am so glad and thankful to have made your acquaintance last year at Bogleheads 12 and again this year at Bogleheads 13! So much patience, common sense, wisdom and simplicity from yourself and my fellow Bogleheads, it's a beautiful thing. Thanks also to all the volunteers that, without whom, the conference would not happen. My wife and I were happy to do a bit of volunteering. We missed Taylor and his family this year. We also missed the "Late Bloomer Millionaires" authors Steve Schullo and Dan Robertson who were a true pleasure to visit with. We are planning to attend again next year and hoping to see all these and many other Bogleheads again!

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Re: 2014 Bogleheads Conference Message from Jack Bogle

Post by Jazztonight »


It was such a pleasure to meet you at BH 2014 and join everyone in thanking you once again for everything you've done--and continue to do--for the individual investor.

You have my heartfelt thanks and appreciation!

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Re: 2014 Bogleheads Conference Message from Jack Bogle

Post by RTR2006 »

Dear Mr. Bogle, you have changed countless lives for the better, including mine and that of my family.

You are forever in our gratitude.

Best of health and happiness, always,


(Confused investor until becoming a Boglehead and seeing the light, in May 2007)
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Re: 2014 Bogleheads Conference Message from Jack Bogle

Post by Mel Lindauer »

Hi Jack:

Once again, thanks for honoring us with your participation in the 2014 Bogleheads Conference. We hope you'll continue to be with us for many, many more years. You're our inspiration to continue the good fight for all that you stand for.

I know that you'll be happy to learn that I'm already working on getting Taylor to join us at next year's event.

Here's wishing you good health in the coming year. See you next year!

Best regards,

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Re: 2014 Bogleheads Conference Message from Jack Bogle

Post by More Please »

Dear Mr. Bogle,
Thanks so much for your candor, wisdom and generosity. Also, thanks for spending so much time with us and sitting on the panel. I really enjoyed watching you and Gus Sauter humorously spar with each other, really fun.

Finally, thanks for the book and pamphlets!

You are irreplaceable!

Betsey Sullivan
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Re: Bogleheads Conference

Post by Mel Lindauer »

Norris wrote:Thank you so much, Jack! I am so glad and thankful to have made your acquaintance last year at Bogleheads 12 and again this year at Bogleheads 13! So much patience, common sense, wisdom and simplicity from yourself and my fellow Bogleheads, it's a beautiful thing. Thanks also to all the volunteers that, without whom, the conference would not happen. My wife and I were happy to do a bit of volunteering. We missed Taylor and his family this year. We also missed the "Late Bloomer Millionaires" authors Steve Schullo and Dan Robertson who were a true pleasure to visit with. We are planning to attend again next year and hoping to see all these and many other Bogleheads again!

Hi Norris:

As I told Jack in my prior post, I'm working on getting Taylor to join us again next year. And Steve an Dan have attended previous events, so I hope they'll also be with us at the 2015 Bogleheads Conference.

See you next year!
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Re: 2014 Bogleheads Conference Message from Jack Bogle

Post by LadyGeek »

This thread is now in the Local Chapters and Bogleheads Community forum (Jack Bogle).

I greatly enjoyed meeting you and hope to see you next year.
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Re: 2014 Bogleheads Conference Message from Jack Bogle

Post by abuss368 »

Mr. Bogle,

Thank you for everything you have done for ordinary investors so that we too can earn our fair share!

Stay the course!
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A message for Mr. Bogle

Post by Taylor Larimore »

Dear Jack:

Very few things mean more to me than the time I have spent in your presence. It has been both an honor and an education.

At my elderly age (90) it is difficult to travel, even for important events. I also feel a daily duty to stay home and share your wisdom (40,000+ posts) on the Morningstar and Bogleheads forums. Even so, I am hopeful of being able to attend next year's Conference for one more chance to meet with my hero and his followers.

You and Eve have my fondest wishes for continued good health and happiness.

With warm affection.

Taylor -- (I live in the home that Jack built.)
"Simplicity is the master key to financial success." -- Jack Bogle