I'm pleased to report that we've added Mike Nolan to our BFMRC staff, replacing the wonderful Kevin Laughlin, who, after 11 (!) years with me has moved into another role at Vanguard. The note(below) that I sent to Vanguard principals and veterans fills in many of the details.
Mike will become the main contact for the Bogleheads, available to help and support you as needed. In particular, he is available to help with the arrangements for Bogleheads X (wow!), beginning on October 13, 2011. (i've invited Kevin as well as Mike to join us there.)
I look forward to being with you then. In the meanwhile, profound thanks for all you do for investors, and for me. "We ALL need strength to carry on."
Best, Jack
To: Principals and Veterans
From: John C. Bogle
Re: New Staff Assistant
On Tuesday, May 31, 2011, we’ll be welcoming a new staff assistant at the Bogle Financial Markets Research Center. Following the departure of Kevin P. Laughlin, Michael W. Nolan will join us.
Mike Nolan, presently working as an administrator in Fund Information Services, is a 10-year Vanguard crewmember, with a distinguished record. He joined us in 2001, following his graduation from the University of Delaware with a double major in Economics and Philosophy. In 2006, he received his MBA from Villanova University (where, coincidentally, I recently received an honorary degree).
Mike comes to his new job not only with that fine educational background, but with excellent relevant experience here at Vanguard. Equally important, he joins us with enthusiasm and energy, eager to help with the research, writing, and other tasks that remain our continuing challenge.
As Kevin Laughlin leaves Bogle Financial Markets Research Center to move into the Vanguard mainstream (in our Client Insight Group), I salute him for his contribution to our work, and for his insight, patience, and steadfastness over the past decade-plus. His role in our accomplishments was substantial and deeply appreciated, and I’m confident he’ll continue to succeed and grow at Vanguard in the years ahead.
As Mike takes on his new responsibilities, I’ll do my best to introduce him to those of you who have worked so constructively with me and Kevin over the years. Whether you are in that group or not, please join me in welcoming Mike to his new position.
Best to all,