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jack bogle
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Post by jack bogle »

Dear Bogleheads,

I'm still walking on air after our wonderful get-together at Bogleheads IX just a few short days ago. Your warmth, your investment savvy, and your focused interest in the investment strategies and human values that I established at Vanguard's founding all those years ago gave me great joy, and even some satisfaction (although it's still to early to allow myself much of that!).

You are some remarkable group, not only in terms of your common sense and intelligence, but with your warmth and (obvious, dare I say) affection. While my "caregiving" duties precluded my being with you at the Vanguard presentation Thursday evening and the Friday morning session, I understand that your long treks (for most of you) to Valley Forge proved worthwhile.

I hope as time passes you'll have time to peruse Don't Count on It!--in small doses. Like it or not, please feel free to give some comments on Amazon and to other investors. My last book? Who really knows!

This is also a fine opportunity to thank you for the handsome replica of the Liberty Bell, with the generous inscription. As I promised, it now reposes on the mantel in my den (right below the bugle I received at BH II), a wonderful reminder of our exciting meeting together.

I was especially happy to have so many of you meet Kevin and Emily, my good right arms without whom my productivity (and fun) would be a small fraction of what they are.

Looking forward to BH X. Until then, may God bless you all.


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Post by Rager1 »


It was great seeing you again and listening to your sage advice. It is a pleasure to know you and to help organize these events in your honor.

Thanks for everything that you do for us. And yes, I have started reading your new book.

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Post by Jazzman »

Thanks a million, Jack. It was great to see and hear you again. #10, I can't wait.
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Post by Mel Lindauer »

Thank you, Jack, for sharing both your time and wisdom with us. Your stamina never ceases to amaze me. I recall that you once told me the story about when you were conversing with your friend and mentor, Walter Morgan. As he approched 100, Walter asked why God had let him live to such a ripe old age, and you replied that God had let him live that long "because God knew that you needed him".

Likewise, God knows we need you, Jack. Stay healthy and we'll see you at Bogleheads 10 next year!
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Post by Cyberdaisy »

Dear Jack,

How terrific to see & hear you in such fine form, as always, among your Bogleheads who share a keen appreciation of the value and importance of your life work!! We've "got your back," Jack, so keep on keepin' 'em honest! You continue to inspire each of us by your example...

I'm delighting in Don't Count on It and especially like the chapter on Heroes and Mentors. Thank you so much for honoring so beautifully Taylor Larimore among them. He is a worthy gentleman and true friend.

Kudos to Kevin and Emily...you have a fine crew there! Thanks to them and all the Vanguard crewmembers who took time from their busy schedules to meet with us....what a treat!

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A message for Jack and Eve

Post by Taylor Larimore »

Dear Jack:

What a wonderful delight it is to read your "THANKS" message to all your Boglehead friends.

Pat and I had the misfortune to miss this year' Boglehead reunion due to illness, but I received many reports from various Bogleheads that this year's reunion, like all the others, was a smashing success and beneficial influence to everyone who was there. In fact, after nine Boglehead Reunions (the first at our home that Jack built), I've never met or heard of anyone who was disappointed after attending a Boglehead Reunion.

Jack, we received your latest book, Don't Count On It! and your personal message. Pat said she cried while reading your overly-generous comments "on Page 561." I'm simply overwhelmed.

I am more than half-way through Don't Count On It!, and like many of your other wonderful books, I intend to include excerpts for our Collection of Investment Gems

Please give Eve our best wishes for a speedy reoovery--just as we wished you a full recovery last year from our Boglehead 8 reunion in Texas.

With love from us both

Pat and Taylor
Last edited by Taylor Larimore on Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyGeek »


I am honored to have met you for the first time. Your enthusiasm and drive are a great inspiration.

I was very happy to hear that you like talking to engineers and am looking forward to discussing more topics with you next year at BH 10!
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Post by Hoi Polloi »


My wife and I were delighted to meet you. We still have three children at home and we spend a lot of time trying to instill the virtues of service to others, hard work, and integrity. You are a perfect example of all three!

Good health!
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Post by VictoriaF »

Morgan wrote:I really must make it to a Bogleheads Meeting! Maybe I can get a cheap plane ticket one day.
You really must :). Just as Taylor lives in the house Jack has built, many of us can travel -- and more -- thanks to the money Jack saved us.

Thank you, Jack!

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Post by woof755 »

Morgan wrote:I really must make it to a Bogleheads Meeting! Maybe I can get a cheap plane ticket one day.
It's always a pleasure to hear from you, Mr. Bogle.

Is a location for BH X determined yet? If I have a year to plan, maybe I can make the time and $$$ materialize!!!!!
"By singing in harmony from the same page of the same investing hymnal, the Diehards drown out market noise." | | --Jason Zweig, quoted in The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing
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Location of next Boglehead reunion.

Post by Taylor Larimore »

Hi Woof:
Is a location for BH X determined yet? If I have a year to plan, maybe I can make the time and $$$ materialize!!!!!
It has been decided to hold Boglehead 9 in the Northeast to make it easier for Mr. Bogle to attend. Washington, DC, which has a very active Boglehead Chapter, is under consideration.
"Simplicity is the master key to financial success." -- Jack Bogle
Daisy Dog
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Post by Daisy Dog »

Thank you, Jack,

The book is a treasure and we were so honored to be among the first to receive a copy (with your signature!) before it hit the market. The chapter on Heroes and Mentors is wonderful and after we finish the book, we will NOT pass it on to our friends and relatives - instead we will buy them copies and send them on as gifts. Everyone should have all of your books on their bookshelves in their permanent collection area.

The visit to VG will be forever memorable and to think you were the founder of such brilliance is overwhelming.

(Okay, does it sound like I'm sucking up too much? Well, if so, I say hoo-ray for "sucking up" when the suckee deserves every word (no disrespect intended here..-)

Stay healthy, and we can't wait to see you again next year.

Great meeting Emily and fabulous seeing Kevin again.

Daisy Dog and Chris
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Post by norookie »

:D Sir, Best to you Sir! I have not addressed anyone like that since late 70's. You've helped so many, I do not know how else to address such a person. I even try to look good on paper for you! :lol: You've left a trail of fortunate folks in your path heeding your wisdom.
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Post by haban01 »

Thank You for the warm wishes Jack!! It was amazing to see you and the company that was built on your values and sound ideas about business!! Best Wishes to Eve as well! It was a real treat to get your new book as well!!

Regards, Eric Haban
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Re: Location of next Boglehead reunion.

Post by woof755 »

Taylor Larimore wrote:Hi Woof:
Is a location for BH X determined yet? If I have a year to plan, maybe I can make the time and $$$ materialize!!!!!
It has been decided to hold Boglehead 9 in the Northeast to make it easier for Mr. Bogle to attend. Washington, DC, which has a very active Boglehead Chapter, is under consideration.
Wonderful. Then I'll drive. :D
"By singing in harmony from the same page of the same investing hymnal, the Diehards drown out market noise." | | --Jason Zweig, quoted in The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing
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Post by nvboglehead »

Jack, (It is so hard for me not to write "Mr. Bogle")

At the Las Vegas airport, I discovered that I had not packed my Kindle. This was fortuitous, as I took the time on the flight to begin re-reading Robert Slater's "John Bogle and the Vanguard Experiment". We are all so happy that the "Jack Bogle factor", described in this 1997 biography, has continued to help you through your medical issues.

It was wonderful to have you with us again this year. You are always such an inspiration. For me, it has been such an honor to have been able to share a few words with you four times in my life!

All of us Bogleheads are looking forward to seeing you again next year in DC!


P.S. Thank you for the gift of "Don't Count On It!". You have written another great tome that we will all treasure.
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Post by FF-Medic »

I just got back from a week trip to DC and I would love to go back so I'll be putting this on the calendar!!!.

I will also be getting Don't count on it!

Thanks for all the legacy you have and are continuing to leave. (from a new Boglehead)
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Post by tom0153 »

My best to you, and my appreciation for your life's work.
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Post by DartThrower »

LadyGeek wrote:Jack,

I am honored to have met you for the first time. Your enthusiasm and drive are a great inspiration.

I was very happy to hear that you like talking to engineers and am looking forward to discussing more topics with you next year at BH 10!
Just like LadyGeek, I was a first time attendee. The entire reunion was a classy affair and highly informative. The centerpiece was your presentation and your fireside chat with Bill Bernstein. I look forward to the DVD so I can absorb more of what was said and also so I can share the experience with friends.

Thanks Jack!

After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art. Chopin